Dixon City Commission
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, Nov. 14, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Steve Shoots, Terry Webb, Jennifer Stone, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent were Mayor Carolyn Townsend, City Attorney Ben Leonard, and Commissioner Arthur Little. Commissioner Webb acted as Mayor Pro Tem in Mayor Townsend’s absence.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Mr. Harkins reported that the walkway re-paving project at Baker Park has been completed and he is waiting for the final bill. Additionally, work in continuing on landscaping for the disc golf areas at Baker Park, and bathrooms and concession stands at both parks have been winterized.
Some discussion was held on the wash problem at the entry on Baker Park. Mr. Harkins is looking into methods to help alleviate the problem and will report back. He suggested the use of “basins” to help re-direct the water. More in-depth work will be scheduled for the spring.
All water lines have been flushed, Mr. Harkins reported. Testing will begin next week, and the water loss ratio appears to be holding its own.
As there was no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes.
Signed: __________________________________Terry Webb, Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: _________________________________Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon City Commission
Regular Session Minutes
Oct. 12, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 12, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Steve Shoots, Terry Webb, Jennifer Stone, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, City Attorney Ben Leonard, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Commissioner Arthur Little and Public Works Director Jamie Harkins were absent.
Visitors included Pete DeHaven, Darrin Townsend, and Clint Nalley.
Minutes were approved on a motion by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Webb all ayes.
Under reports, Mayor Townsend noted that paving at Baker Park would begin on Oct 11. She also said that reports indicated that proposed paving work on Colin Todd Lane would not help the drainage problem, so there would be no further plans for that area at this time.
It was noted that a portion of a street located behind the courthouse was in need of repair due to tree roots buckling the area. Mr. Leonard will investigate the options open to the city.
Under water reports, it was noted that the recent installation of a new meter at one of the schools water lines was helping with the city’s water loss ratio, and did substantiate indications that the old meter was not recording water usage properly.
A public forum was then opened to the public to hear comments about cleaning up nuisance properties. Mr. DeHaven said he was there primarily to hear the city’s plans to what procedures would be taken and how the areas to be cleaned up would be targeted. Mayor Townsend said that before actual work began; the city’s ordinances now on the books would have to be revised to fit updated guidelines, and projected that actual cleanup work would not be undertaken under sometime next year. She added that a code enforcement board would have to be established, and that there would be no “pick and choose” as to what area was targeted over another.
Mr. Townsend stated that he had noticed that an empty trailer next to him has been worked on as far as cleanup goes, but that there was still a lot of work to be done.
Mrs. Townsend read a letter from Brian and Tina Stull expressing their support of a nuisance clean up enforcement project as well.
Second reading and approval of the tax ordinance for 2016 was approved on a motion by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Halloween hours were set from after school to 7 p.m. on a motion by Mayor Townsend, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes.
Signed: Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon City Commission
Minutes, Regular Session
Monday, Sept. 12, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Steve Shoots, Terry Webb, Jennifer Stone, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, City Attorney Ben Leonard, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent was Commissioner Arthur Little.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Under reports, Mr. Harkins reported that paving at Baker Park is nearly ready to begin. The new basketball court is also ready to be paved. Mr. Harkins added that once these projects are completed, work will continue on the Sensory Park.
Additionally, it was noted that the water loss count was down three quarters of a percent, and close watch is still being kept on a meter recently replaced at the high school.
Mayor Townsend reported that she, Commissioner Shoots, and Mr. Harkins recently attended a meeting in Madisonville regarding new nuisance polices and requirements. She noted that Commissioner Little has also volunteered to serve on the committee, along with herself, Mr. Harkins and Commissioner Shoots, that will review and work on the updates with Mr. Leonard. As work progresses, she will keep the Commission informed. Mayor Townsend also recommended that public forums be scheduled regarding these changes so that input could be gathered from citizens as to what they would like to see done.
On a motion by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes, tax rates were set at 13.9 cents per $100 valuation for real estate, and 16.37 cents per $100 valuation for personal property.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes, to transfer ownership of the old city bush hog to the county jail for their use.
A motion was made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes, to extend paving repair work to a portion of Colin Todd Lane for an estimated cost of $4,500 to $5,000.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Signed: ___________________________Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: ____________________________Peggy Poole, Clerk
Dixon Commission
Regular Session
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, August 15, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Steve Shoots, Terry Webb, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent was City Attorney Ben Leonard.
Tom Glover of Providence, a candidate for Webster County Judge/Executive in the November General Election, was present to introduce himself to the Commission, commend them on their work for the City, and pledge his support and cooperation in the event he is elected as Judge.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Mr. Harkins reported that paving for the walkway and new basketball court should get underway in about two to three weeks’ time. He also noted that the water report indicated a 13.5 % loss, but that the gallons per minute had gone down. Mr. Harkins said he would continue to keep a close eye on the new meter at the high school complex.
Commissioner Webb noted that an area on Tapp Lane needs to be repaired, at approximately the point where the new road meets with the old lane. Mayor Townsend said she would speak with someone at the County Road Dept.
Mayor Townsend reported that a nuisance property on Stegall Street had been addressed by the property owner. She noted that the present nuisance ordinance needed updating to be in compliance with the new state and federal mandates. Commissioners Shoots and Little will assist Mayor Townsend and Mr. Leonard in reviewing an updating the ordinance. Mayor Townsend asked the Commission to be thinking about an ordinance review board, noting that at least three persons will be needed to serve.
Commissioner Shoots addressed the Commission with the several concerns regarding traffic control, especially along Hwy 1340 in the mornings, and speed enforcement. His list of concerns included the following: 1. WC Schools traffic; 2. Commercial trucks and speeding; 3. Commercial trucks and the use of inappropriate jake braking,
Commissioner Shoots proposed opening a dialogue with the schools, and contacting local and state police about the speeding concerns. Mayor Townsend said she would call the State Police and see about a bigger police presence during the hours of 6:45 a.m. to 7:15 a.m.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Signed: _______________________________Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon Commission Meeting
Regular Session
July 11, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Terry Webb, Steve Shoots, Arthur Little, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, City Attorney Ben Leonard, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent were Mayor Carolyn Townsend and Commissioner Jennifer Stone. The meeting was presided over by Commissioner Webb.
Minutes were approved on a motion by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Mr. Harkins reported the parks were in good shape, with the exception of some washout on the gravel entry drive at Baker Park. The clerk reported that a $25.00 refundable deposit on keys for the facilities at the parks has been instituted, in an effort to recover the keys at a faster rate for the next party wishing to reserve the park for parties, etc.
Mr. Harkins reported that the water loss rate is holding steady at about 11.94%, and a leak on West Leiper Street has been repaired.
A motion to table updating a nuisance ordinance was made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Little, until further study could be completed by the Mayor and City Attorney.
Mr. Leonard reported that the cable franchise agreement is now ready for the Mayor’s signature, as a clause relating to franchise fees has been added as requested. The Mayor will sign the 10-year agreement, and then it will be forwarded to the City Attorney’s office for final review and sent to the cable company.
It was announced that a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Farmer’s Market, to be set up on the city’s lot at 71 US Hwy 41-A N, will be held on July 20 at 2 p.m. Also, it was noted that WEVV-Channel 44 News will be broadcasting from the Baker Park Pavilion on July 27.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Signed: Terry Webb, presiding official
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon Commission Meeting
Regular Session
Monday, June 13, 2015
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, June 13, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present was Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Commissioners Steve Shoots, Terry Webb, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, City Attorney Ben Little, and City Clerk Peggy Poole.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
In reports, Mayor Townsend noted that the park board’s sponsored Ducky Day event is set for Saturday, June 18, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and invited the Commission to attend with their families.
Also, it was noted that Bourland Park’s concession stand and bleachers have been renovated and painted by volunteers, with the city buying the paint for the projects.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Shoots, all ayes, to send letters asking two property owners to mow their lots. These properties are located at 560 US Hwy 41-A South and the lot next to 990 US Hwy 41-A South. A third complaint was tabled regarding property at 118 N Stegal St until after the Mayor has returned from a meeting later this month dealing exclusively with nuisance and blighted properties.
Mr. Leonard reviewed at franchise agreement proposal from Time Warner Cable, noting that it was a “standard” agreement, set up for a 10-year time span. He added that the proposal was not quite ready for signature yet, as he was negotiating a clause for a franchise fee agreement to be added in. He did recommend the Commission accept the franchise agreement pending the updated version, to be sent to the Mayor as soon as completed. A motion was made on that basis by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend read a note of appreciation from Mrs. Barbara Ramsey to the Commission on behalf of herself and her son, due to the recent passing of her husband, Commissioner John Ramsey.
A motion to convene into a hearing for discuss the budget was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Mayor Townsend, all ayes. A motion to approve second reading on the budget after a review was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes. A motion to convene into regular session was made by Commissioner Shoots, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
ATTEST: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon Commission Meeting
May 9, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, May 9, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present was Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Commissioners Terry Webb and Arthur Little, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, City Attorney Ben Leonard, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent was Commissioner Jennifer Stone.
A moment of remembrance was held in honor of the late John Ramsey, Commissioner, who passed away earlier in May.. His contributions to the community and as a City Commissioner were noted.
A public hearing to hear requests for LGEA and Street monies for the next fiscal year was opened on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. No specific requests were noted. A motion to close the hearing and re-convene into regular session was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Minutes were approved by motion of Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes. Bills were approved by motion of Mayor Townsend, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Mr. Harkins reported that the parks were open and busy with leagues. The walkway project was ready to go, once the Commission had approved a contractor for the work. The Sensory Park area has been laid out, and three trees will need to be cut. The softball leagues have painted the dugout and bleachers at Bourland, and the City will pay for the cost of the paint, and will also help with some of the cost of repair work on the bleachers.
Water usage report by Mr. Harkins showed that the water loss was down four percent to 11.38 percent, an improvement on recent months.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb to approve a bid from Providence Paving in the amount of $26,800 for walkway repair work, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend addressed a possible Farmer’s Market project on the city lot, noting that a carport donated to the City could be re-constructed for use as a pavilion for the market. Also, a small area in front of the lot will need to re-done for a parking lot so buyers can get off the main street. A motion to allow Mayor Townsend to proceed with research on the project was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Commissioners were informed of an ongoing renewal franchise agreement with Time Warner. City Attorney Leonard said that he should have the renewal franchise agreement ready for the June meeting.
Mayor Townsend said she has been approached by the Mayor of Providence regarding a possible trash pick-up program for the city. The City of Providence would require $13.00 residential pick up fee and $25.00 business pick up fee. It was suggested the City of Dixon add a dollar to each fee to pay for the city’s work, which would consist of keeping up with the amount paid to the City of Providence each month. A motion to open the subject for discussion was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little. It was noted that the City of Dixon has several elderly residents on fixed incomes, and such a rise in their utility bill could impose a financial hardship. It was also noted that some residents did not have enough trash pick up to validate such an increase in their bills. A motion was made by Mayor Townsend in which she would notify the City of Providence, thank them for their offer, and respectfully decline the proposal due to the expense at this time. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
The Commission will meet again in closed session on May 23, 10 a.m., to consider interested applicants and appoint someone to fill the unexpired term of the late Commissioner John Ramsey. The appointee will serve through December, 2016. Also on the agenda will be an update on the progress of the proposed Farmer’s Market project.
Next regular meeting will be held June 13, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall.
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor, City of Dixon
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon Commission Meeting
Regular Session
April 12, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, April 12, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Terry Webb, Arthur Little, and Jennifer Stone, and City Attorney Ben Leonard, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent were Mayor Carolyn Townsend and Commissioner John Ramsey. Commissioner Webb conducted the session.
Minutes were approved on a motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
In reports, Mr. Harkins noted that the water loss ratio for last month was 15.52 percent. He added that a meter at the high school complex has been changed.
In parks, it was noted that a couple of big holes near the lakeside have opened up, and a close watch will be kept on them, with plans to address the problem in the near future.
Three bids for the walkway repair project at Baker Park were reviewed. The bids were as follows: Rogers Group-$53,312.00; Green River Paving - $34,500.00; and Providence Paving - $26,800.00. The bids were taken under advisement and tabled for a decision until the May 9th meeting.
A motion to approve a news release concerning an “Operation City Pride” campaign to encourage citizens to take pride in their properties, and an open letter to the public concerning unkempt properties in the city was approved on a motion by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes. Some discussion was held on various areas in the city that needed to be addressed for cleanup procedures in the near future.
A motion to approve Darin Townsend to a one-year appointment on the Parks Board was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Signed: Terry Webb, Commissioner (in charge of meeting.) _____________________
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk _________________________
Dixon Commission
Regular Session
March 14, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, March 14, 2016, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Terry Webb, Arthur Little, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, City Attorney Ben Leonard, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent were Commissioners John Ramsey and Jennifer Stone.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Bills were approved for payment on a motion made by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Under reports, Mr. Harkins noted that gravel work still needs to be done at the parks, and work is continuing on the disc golf project and the playground equipment for the Sensory Park, to be located as a part of Baker Park. Also, it was noted that bids for the walkway repair project would be advertised this coming week.
In the Water Report, Mr. Harkins said plans have been made to change out the meter at the high school during spring break. He added that the water report reflected an increase in water loss of ¼ of a percent, but noted he expected this problem was arising from the old meter at the high school.
Additionally, the Fire Dept. and the Water Dept. will be working on a review for the ISO rating, which helps to determine the rate paid by residents who live inside the city limits and purchase insurance.
Mayor Townsend advised the Commission that it was time to rotate the park board commission seating, and she will have a recommendation for the replacement for the one year seat at next month’s meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Signed: Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk

City of Dixon
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2016
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, 6 p.m. at the City Building. Present were Commissioners Terry Webb, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent was Commissioner John Ramsey.
After the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation, minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Under reports, Mayor Townsend noted that a bid notice will be published asking for sealed bids for a piece of playground equipment located at Baker Park called a “Merry-Go-Round”. The bids will be opened on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at noon. The successful bidder must be willing to sign a “Hold Harmless Agreement” before transferring the property.
Mayor Townsend said there were a couple of areas on local streets that will need to be looked at in the spring for repair and repaving work. A list of the areas in question will be reviewed at a later date.
A motion to accept a resolution submitted by GRADD for “Adoption of the 2016 Green River Area Development District Hazard Mitigation Plan Update” was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes. The Resolution authorizes GRADD to review the Hazard Mitigation Plan and make updates as necessary.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
City of Dixon Regular Minutes Dec. 14, 2015 Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Dec. 14, 2015, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present was Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Commissioners Terry Webb and Arthur Little, City Attorney Ben Leonard, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent were Commissioners John Ramsey and Jennifer Stone. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Motion to approve bills was made by Commissioner Little, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes. Mike Overby presented the annual audit report, noting that it was a clean opinion. After reviewing several points on the audit, a motion to accept the audit as presented was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. In reports, Mayor Townsend noted that the bathrooms and the storage building at Baker Park have been painted, the concrete pads for the disc golf project have been set, and that two bridges have been replaced and the last bridge should be completed soon. It was also noted that the City has received notification of acceptance of a grant for a spray park, and the grant money for the walking trail repair project should get underway this summer. Mr. Harkins said he was still checking for leaks, and thinks that old compound meters located at the schools may need to be changed out. The Commission reviewed a report on an analysis of buying a new tractor and trading in the existing equipment. After a short discussion, it was decided to table the subject for the time being so that more research could be done on the topic. A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. Prior to the meeting, Mayor Townsend hosted a Christmas supper for the Commission and employees. Signed: Carolyn Townsend, Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Poole, Clerk
City of Dixon Commission Regular Session November 9, 2015 Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Nov. 9, 2015, 6 p.m. Present were Commissioners Terry Webb, John Ramsey, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, City Attorney Ben Leonard, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Minutes were approved on a motion by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes. Under reports, Mayor Townsend noted that the Pavilion posts at Baker Park have been painted, as well as the bathrooms and storage building. Plans for landscaping work were discussed, and Mayor Townsend stated that bridge repair work on the walking trail at Baker Park would begin very soon. She noted the walkway would not be shut down entirely, but caution is advised when using the walking trail for the immediate future. Possible purchase of a backhoe was discussed, but a motion to table the topic until the matter could be looked into further was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. The matter of a Christmas Parade was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Webb that any organization or group that was interested in organizing a Christmas Parade would to be encouraged to do so with the Commission’s approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes. Mayor Townsend announced plans to host a Christmas dinner for the Commission and other members at the December meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes.
Signed: ____________________________ Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
City Of Dixon
Regular Meeting
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, October 12, 2015, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Commissioners Terry Webb, John Ramsey, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, City Attorney Ben Leonard, City Clerk Peggy Poole, and Fire Chief Jeff Yates.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend reported that “Movie Night at the Park” was a great success for the Park Board, which held the event in conjunction with the Dixon PTO. The Park Board made a little over $400 from the event. In Water Reports, it was noted that the water loss ratio is still dropping, and that Public Works Director Jamie Harkins is continuing to work on isolating all leaks and repairing them.
Commission members reviewed a Governor’s Executive Order dealing with a No-Smoking Policy, and on a motion from Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes, agreed to adopt the policy for all city-owned facilities.
Halloween hours were set for 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Halloween night on a motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
A motion to re-issue bids for a 2015 UTV was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes. The previous bid award, made to Polaris of Benton, was declared invalid due to bidder’s inability to meet bid specifications. The bids will be opened October 28.
A motion to present an old 1990 Ford 350-brush truck no longer in use by the Fire Department to the county was made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes.
Next regular meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 9, 2015 at the City Building.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor, City of Dixon
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon Commission
Regular Meeting
Sept. 14, 2015
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, Sept. 14, 2015, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present was Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Commissioners Terry Webb, John Ramsey, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, City Attorney Ben Leonard, and City Clerk Peggy Poole.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, invocation was offered by Mayor Townsend. Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend noted that Public Works Director Jamie Harkins is in the process of setting up the disc golf project at Baker Park, with plans to pour the concrete pads in a week or so.
Under reports: (1) Streets- it was noted that the portion of Mayce Drive that is city limits has been re-graveled by the county. The City will pay for the cost of the gravel. (2) Water- it was noted that water loss seems to have been reduced, although continuing efforts to locate all possible sites of water leaks is ongoing. (3) Fire-It was announced that a new firetruck has been received, and will be used as a brush truck. The county paid $30,000 of the cost, with the Fire Dept. Firetruck fund picking up the remaining $5,000 bill.
The 2015 tax ordinance was passed on a motion made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
A motion was made by Commissioner Webb to go into closed session to discuss possible litigation stemming from encroachment on park properties by several residents. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes. After a ten-minute closed session, regular session re-convened on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Commissioner Ramsey then made a motion to follow up on the advice as given by Mr. Leonard, and advice all landowners who presently have personal property, including but not limited to, buildings, vehicles, personal property, to remove all personal items from park property at both parks.
It was announced that in a called meeting held last week, the City has purchased a Polaris UTV, based on best bid. The cost was $25,917.04, with the County paying $25,000 and the City meeting the remainder.
As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Next regular session will be held on Monday, Oct. 12, 2015, at 6 p.m.
Signed: Carolyn Townsend, Mayor, City of Dixon
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon City Commission
Called Meeting
Dixon City Commission met in a brief called session Friday, Sept. 11, 2015, for the purpose of opening bids for a UTV/RTV vehicle. Present was Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Commissioners John Ramsey and Arthur Little, and Public Works Director Jamie Harkins. Absent were Commissioners Terry Webb and Jennifer Stone.
Three bids were received: Polaris of Benton at $25,917.04, Agri-Power of Morganfield at $27,975.00, and Kubota of Morganfield at $27,275.00.
After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ramsey to accept the Polaris bid and attachments as listed in the amount of $25,917.04, with a second from Commissioner Little, Mayor Townsend voting aye.
The City will absorb $917.04 of the cost, with the County picking up the rest at $25,000.
As there was no further business, the meeting then adjourned.
Signed: __________________________
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Parks Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday, Sept 3, 2015
8 p.m.
Dixon Park Board met on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2015, 8 p.m. at the City Building. Present was Park Board Chairman Scott Townsend, Secretary Amy Oakley, board members James Willoughby and Ron Heady, Mayor Carolyn Townsend and City Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent was board member Jason Scott.
Updates on a planned mini concert were heard. The concert is set for the first weekend in October at Baker Park, with food served beginning at 5 p.m., and music beginning shortly thereafter. Tentatively scheduled for the concert will be the “Just Us Band”, and plans were made to get in touch with the WC Band for a performance as well. On the food menu, items such as hamburgers, pork chop sandwiches, potato salad and baked beans were planned.
Plans for a “Movie Night at the Park” were also discussed, with the date set for Sept. 26, at 8 p.m. The event is being held in conjunction with the Dixon PTO, and divisions of responsibility and food preparations were outlined, with the park board also agreeing to pay for the movie license and supplying the screen for the showing.
A motion by Mr. Willoughby to approve a written waiver for participants to sign, as suggested by the City’s insurance underwriter, Kentucky League of Cities, dealing with the use of inflatables at the parks for parties, etc., was seconded by Mr. Heady, all ayes.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Willoughby, seconded by Mr. Townsend, all ayes.
Next regular park board meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 8, 8 p.m. at the City Building.
Signed: Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon City Commission
Regular Meeting
August 10, 2015 – 6 p.m.
Dixon City Commission met in regular session on Monday, August 10, 2015, 6 p.m. at City Hall. Present was Mayor Carolyn Townsend, Commissioners Terry Webb, John Ramsey, Arthur Little, Jennifer Stone, City Attorney Ben Leonard, Public Works Director Jamie Harkins, City Clerk Peggy Poole, and Park Board Chairman Scott Townsend. A visitors’ list is attached.
Minutes were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes. Park board minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes. Bills were approved on a motion made by Commissioner Webb, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend noted that the City is still waiting to hear regarding final approval on the grant for the Baker Park walkway repair project. An estimate for bridge repair on the walkway was tabled until further information regarding the grant becomes available.
Park Board Chairman Scott Townsend addressed the Commission, thanking them for their support and encouragement with the park’s recent fund-raising efforts and renovation work. He noted the most recent fund raiser for the proposed Sensory Park was a great success, and outlined several other projects the park board is currently working on, including a movie night at the park in conjunction with the Dixon School PTO, and a mini-concert, planned for later this fall. In closing, he said he wished to thank County Jailer Terry Elder for the excellent mowing job Mr. Elder’s work crews are doing at the parks.
Public Works Director Jamie Harkins reported that the Clayton Ave. project has been completed, with the exception of some cleanup work at a couple of properties. He noted that a small leak has been detected, and will begin research on that this coming week. Commissioner Ramsey went over the draw request sent in from GRADD, and a motion to pay the City’s portion of $23,923.51 was made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Little, all ayes.
Tax rates for the coming year were set at 13.9 cents per $100 assessed valuation for real estate, and 14.18 cents per $100 assessed valuation for personal property. This reflects the compensating rates as figured by GRADD. A motion to accept compensating rate was made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Stone, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend recommended a 1.25% raise for city employees, retroactive to July 1. A motion to that effect was made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Webb, all ayes.
Whitney Wright, owner of Molly’s Mutts, a rescue animal facility, was present to address the Commission. She is in the process of erecting a new building on ST RT 983, within the city limits of Dixon, and came to address a possible concern with excessive noise. Mrs. Wright said the building will hold approximately 30 animals, and will be built to contain as much noise as possible. She noted she had talked with the neighbors, and said she had their support for the project.
Mayor Townsend thanked Mrs. Wright for coming to the meeting and addressing the Commission. The Commission indicated they had no further questions to ask about the project at this time.
It was noted that word on a survey completion should be received soon regarding a property encroachment question at Baker Park.
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Little, all ayes.
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
ATTEST: Peggy Poole, City Clerk
Dixon Parks Board Meeting
August 5, 2015 – 8 p.m.
Dixon Parks Board met Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 8 p.m. at the City Building. Present was Board Chairman Scott Townsend, board members Ron Heady and James Willoughby, Mayor Carolyn Townsend, and Clerk Peggy Poole. Absent were board members Jason Scott and Amy Oakley.
Mr. Townsend opened the meeting and a review on the results of Ducky Day, held on July 25 at Baker Park, was held. It was noted that the Parks’ Discretionary Account held a balance of $4,373.34on August 5, with the majority of that coming from Ducky Day efforts and donations. The board also reviewed the regular Park General checking account, which is maintained by the City, and currently has a balance of a little over $1,000.
A motion to pay back the bank loan from the Discretionary Account was made by Mr. Heady, with a second from Mr. Willoughby, all ayes. After paying an outstanding bill and the loan, the Discretionary Account currently rests as of Aug. 6, with a balance of $3,248.34.
Mayor Townsend presented an estimate proposal for Baker Park bridge repair materials from Timber Bridge of Kentucky in the amount of $5,590.85. The estimate includes materials to repair the bridges located along the walking trail. A motion to accept the estimate, pending approval from the Dixon City Commission, was made by Mr. Heady, seconded by Mr. Willoughby, all ayes.
Mayor Townsend note that renovation work is continuing at Baker Park, with some painting around the Pavilion planned for late this summer.
A text from Mr. Scott was read by Mayor Townsend, in which Mr. Scott noted that his duties at his job and as a baseball coach has prevented him from participating on the park board to the extent that he would wish. He therefore offered to step down and allow someone with more available time to take his place if the board members want to do that. After a brief discussion, it was decided to leave the matter as is and see how things work out as the summer progresses. On that same note, Mr. Heady noted that he would be helping with baseball at the high school, and his time may become more limited in the future as well; although he foresaw little problem with attending most meetings and events as they occurred at the present time.
Tentative plans were discussed on holding more events at Baker Park, including but not limited to: (1) A Night At The Park, which will consist of a mini concert with local talent and food availability, (2) Movie Night At The Park, and (3) a pre-sold Pork Chop Sandwich Sale, with all proceeds to go to the Discretionary Account. Plans for the mini concert were tentatively set for the last weekend in September or the first weekend in October.
The Made in Kentucky Music Fest ongoing plans were discussed, with the next meeting for the committees set for Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Townsend presented several points to consider: (1) Custom Sound in Evansville has the capability to do all stage lighting and sound, with an initial regular cost of $10,000, although they may cut that considerably if the Park Board will use them for all future music events. (2) A cursory exploratory review of artist’s costs revealed that some local artists went from $800 to $200, while top name area performers could command as much as $10,000. (3) Mrs. Townsend said that Hudson Auto will be willing to do a sponsorship for the event, and she has made plans to speak with a Somerset group that does a weekend festival event and get ideas and hints from them.
The new website for the event is: www.madeinkyfest.com
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Heady, seconded by Mr. Willoughby, all ayes.
Carolyn Townsend, Mayor
Attest: Peggy Poole, Clerk